
Our Featured Artist of January 2009!
The Psychotic Advisor is proud to salute Eddie the Yeti !
Eddie Mize (also known as Eddie the Yeti) is a renowned Colorado artist. His work is on display all over Denver and the nearby town
of Golden. He prefers to work in Ink, Acrylic, Soy Sauce, Ketchup, Coffee, Mustard, Wine, Pencil, and Computer Pixels. He
enjoys art because, as he puts it, "art supplies are cheaper than therapy." Eddie has been kind enough to allow this retrospective
of his work in the Psychotic Art Gallery. The Psychotic Advisor is not involved in marketing Mr. Mize's work, and has provided
this display strictly for your viewing entertainment and appreciation, and as a contribution of promotional web space to this
incredibly driven and talented artist. If you are interested in purchasing any of his work please feel free to contact Mr. Mize directly. The Psychotic Advisor is not affiliated with this artist and does not receive any commision or percentage of sales whatsoever.
The Psychotic Advisor therefore does not act as a purchasing agent and assumes no liability. All images included within this
display are copyrighted property of Eddie Mize. Please do not copy, publish or redistribute any of these images without express written consent of the artist. Thank you,
and enjoy viewing these amazing pieces of work.


But seriously, we haven't
even scratched the surface yet! Please click here to meet the artist, and view even more of this incredible collection!

"When we remember we are all mad, the mysteries disappear and life stands explained." - Mark Twain
©2009 the Psychotic Advisor