Portland Artist, Todd Leninger takes center stage with a unique body of work he calls "Biomorphs."

I have a strong drive to understand the “how” and “why” of painting
materials and their durability or failures over centuries, resulting in a major amount of my time dedicated to research. -Todd
If the artwork of Peter Paul Rubens and Pablo Picasso had offspring…
One of the strengths I have noticed regarding figurative artwork of the master artists was
their ability to convey the transitions of flesh masses from one area to another. In the works of Van Dyke, Rubens,
Jordaens, Velasquez and a very few others, folds of flesh take on a whole new level of understanding.

Masses competing for space in a beautiful undulating manner where the conflict is finally resolved
as the two distinct masses become one. This space where they become one is my greatest fascination.
I was working from the living model 12 or more hours per week and began drawing small studies
of armpits, the rolls of stomach and back, groins and navels, corners of the mouth and the like, all on one page to save money.
Over time the studies began to work into one another, creating a whole new visual concept of the human form.
I hope that you may find the beauty in the nuances that have captured my attention. -Todd

This is only a small part of a much greater story. Mr. Leninger's paintings are
extraordinary, beautiful, and inimitable. Please click here to go directly to his website.
"When we remember we are all mad, the mysteries disappear and life stands explained." - Mark Twain
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