Spaghetti Western Blues are gettin' me down.
The video rental stores have closed my account.
For a few dollars more, the hills run red,
The good guy's gettin' ugly, the bad guys get dead.
From Sergio Leon' to old Karl May,
The silver screen is where I'm gonna spend my dyin' day.
When Liberty Valance comes into town,
And two men face, one goes down.
Well don't look now but here they all come,
The injun contingent is poundin' war drums.
They all looked Italian, but that's okay,
The California unions demand much higher pay.
So circle the wagons and rally the men...
-But wait what's that? Is that a bugle callin' in the distance?
Thundering across the desert on a thousand hooves?
The Cavalry is comin' to the rescue and it couldn't be too soon!
Oh! Could this mean deliverance from Spaghetti Western Blues?
(Brief interlude of yipping from Italian Injun Contingent raid and conflagration.)