A good omen marks the opening of our Fort Worth branch office!

We had watched the Cardinals as they flitted in and out of the hedge, busily building their
nest. We were concerned they would be disturbed by our foot traffic because they built so close to the front door. On Easter
Sunday we noticed four perfect little eggs. A few days later we saw another flurry of activity as Mom and Dad flew food to
four hungry little peepers.
On April 23rd, the little guys (or gals, it's too early to tell) ventured out of the nest for
the first time. All four birds look happy and healthy.
Here's another shot of the young'uns as they were vacating.

Here's Mama hamming it up for the camera.

And another shot of the Papa.
"When we remember we are all mad, the mysteries disappear and life stands explained." - Mark Twain
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