
Conspiracy Test

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Just because they are out to get you, doesn't mean you're not really paranoid.
Answer the following questions as truthfully as you can. If you are not satisfied with any of the multiple choices, or feel you should expand on your answer, enter your comments in the box below each question labeled "explain".
When you are done, hit the submit button.

A secret international society of powerful individuals has manipulated world events for hundreds of years and is conspiring to assume control of the world under a global totalitarian dictatorship known as the New World Order.Strongly agree!
Sort of.
Don't know.
Doubt it.
The Bavarian Illuminati is still flourishing and is as powerful as ever.Stronger than ever.
Just as strong.
Not as strong.
Doesn't exist.
The Bavarian Who?
The Bilderberg Group is... >>>>>>>>>a top secret elite group of reptilian, blood sucking monsters from another planet who hold yearly meetings to discuss world domination.
a bunch of rich fat cats who rule the world.
a bunch of rich fat cats who want to rule the world
an insurance company or travel agency maybe?
a dance troop from the Netherlands.
John F. Kennedy was assassinated by... >>>>>>>>The New World Order
The Illuminati
The Bilderberg Group
Lyndon Johnson
The Mafia
J. Edgar Hoover
The Military Industrial Complex
The Secret Service
Fidel Castro
Anti Castro Cubans
H.L. Hunt
E. Howard Hunt
James Files
The Vatican
The Priory of Sion
The Brits
The French
Chinese Communists
Chinese Acrobats
Chinese Checkers
Chubby Checker
The News Media
Lee Harvey Oswald
All of the above
UFO's are probably... >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>evidence of an advanced race, visiting our planet from a star system far beyond.
a cover up for tests of top secret military aircraft.
the result of some kind of alien or interdimensional contact.
the result of hallucinations or mass hysteria.
made up stories.
MK Ultra was a top secret mind control experiment carried out by the CIA on unwitting human guinea pigs.Oh for sure! The CIA even admitted that!
Yes, and I'm one of their victims.
That's nothing compared to what they do now.
Yeah, but surely they wouldn't do that today!
Wait, weren't they a Bay Area 90's thrash band?
I never leave the house without my Reynold's Wrap Cap.
All internet traffic, including this test and my answers are being monitored by some top secret branch of Homeland Security as well as international espionage groups.Of course! Everybody knows that.
Absolutely true. Shut up about it.
Really? I better shut up already!
Oh shut up!
Don't Explain
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"When we remember we are all mad, the mysteries disappear and life stands explained." - Mark Twain
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